
Navigating New Risks: Building Resilience in Cross-Border Payments Industry by Alex Pereira

9 de October, 2023
Navigating New Risks: Building Resilience in Cross-Border Payments Industry by Alex Pereira

The cross-border payment industry is rapidly evolving, and with this progress come new risks and challenges that businesses must overcome to succeed in this space. One of the most significant dangers facing businesses in the cross-border payment industry is the threat of fraud and cybercrime. In this article, we will explore the new risks and resilient solutions in the cross-border payment industry.

New Risks in the Cross-Border Payments Industry

The cross-border payment industry is facing new risks as technology advances and criminals become more sophisticated in their tactics, making cybercrime and fraud a main focus. Criminals can use a range of schemes to commit fraud, including phishing attacks, malware, and social engineering. Another threat facing businesses in the cross-border payment industry is regulatory compliance. Businesses must comply with a range of regulations in each country they operate in, which can be challenging to navigate without the support of local partners. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and reputational damage.

Resilience Solutions in the Cross-Border Payments Industry

To address these new challenges, businesses in the cross-border payment industry are adopting new resilient solutions. One new method is using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to detect and prevent fraud. These technologies, such as Thetaray, can analyze large amounts of data in real-time to identify suspicious transactions and flag them for review, considerably reducing the risk of bad actors. Another resilient solution is the use of blockchain technology to secure transactions and prevent fraud. Blockchain technology provides incredible traceability with tamperproof record of each transaction, making it impossible for criminals alter the history of a transaction or “Hash”. Some companies, like Circle and Stellar Foundation, are going long in the cross-border payment industry, leveraging blockchain technology to improve security and reduce costs.

In addition to these technological solutions, businesses in the cross-border payment industry are also adopting more collaborative approaches to risk management. This involves partnering with local companies and regulatory authorities to better understand and manage risk in foreign markets.

“Blockchain technology provides incredible traceability with tamper-proof record of each transaction, making it impossible for criminals alter the history of a transaction or “Hash”.”


In conclusion, the cross-border payment industry is facing new risks and challenges as technology advances and criminals become more sophisticated in their tactics. To manage these risks, businesses in this space must adopt new and smarter solutions and arm themselves properly for a new digital frontier. Innovation in this space will certainly bring new opportunities and new risks, but also new tools to mitigate these threats. So, it is important for our industry to collaborate, share experiences and working together, businesses in the cross-border payments industry can reduce risks, improve security, and create new growth opportunities.

Alex Pereira

Founder & CEO

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